Role of the Association
The Vision of the HSPAANZ is:
Resilient children, young people and families.
Our Mission is to:
Promote coping and play throughout our communities.
We believe that this will be achieved by using specialised therapeutic strategies to support children, young people and their families while they are in hospital.
Resilient children, young people and families.
Our Mission is to:
Promote coping and play throughout our communities.
We believe that this will be achieved by using specialised therapeutic strategies to support children, young people and their families while they are in hospital.
Responsibilities of HPSAANZ
Professional Representation and role promotions:
Professional Development Support
Networking Opportunities
Extends Leadership Opportunities and contributing towards profession
The role of the association also includes: ensuring our members adhere to the HPSAANZ Professional Standards, Professional Competencies, and Code of Ethics.
- Association appointed representatives attend regular meetings of various professional forums of the Ministry of Education, such as ECAC, EEdFed, Allied Health Forum AHANZ, and several working party groups under Child Health – See below for more information
- Uphold the service standards through bodies like Registration Council
- Encourages and supports celebrations around HPS Awareness Week to promote the profession
Professional Development Support
- The association provides professional development opportunities by organising Transition seminars and the Biennial International HPS Conference in New Zealand
- Supports Cluster Meetings for services to come together and contribute towards information and knowledge for each other
- Exploring the option of a standardised set of self-directed Training Modules for new entrants to the profession country wide
Networking Opportunities
- Connects the Play Specialist services nationwide to exchange ideas and project
- Supports transition into the HPS role by providing Transition Seminars
- Provides directory of Play Specialists to network on areas of common interests, to support transition of inpatient children from one service to the other
- Shares relevant updates about profession through emails or Facebook posts
Extends Leadership Opportunities and contributing towards profession
- Invites interest to be part of a working party group on Association’s activities and projects
- Supports Leadership Forum for service leaders to come together and discuss common issues and concerns
The role of the association also includes: ensuring our members adhere to the HPSAANZ Professional Standards, Professional Competencies, and Code of Ethics.
Representing Hospital Play Specialists
Part of our role as an association is to represent our members at relevant national level groups. As many decisions are made at a national level that can impact our day to day services it is critical to have our voice heard in these forums. Currently we are contributing members of 3 specific groups:
allied health aotearoa new zealand (ahanz)
Allied Health Aotearoa New Zealand (AHANZ)
Is a collegial group made up of 27 national associations representing more than 30, 000 allied health practitioners. This is a forum to discuss common concerns, raise awareness and feedback into government ministries or other organisations that seek a collective view of allied health. Although some members of AHANZ represent very large numbers of professionals, we sit alongside others who are also representing smaller allied health professions; many of whom are also self regulating bodies. Being part of this group has provided us with support while we have navigated the criteria for self regulating bodies, and provides us insight into upcoming changes to ways of working for allied health professionals.
For more information:
Is a collegial group made up of 27 national associations representing more than 30, 000 allied health practitioners. This is a forum to discuss common concerns, raise awareness and feedback into government ministries or other organisations that seek a collective view of allied health. Although some members of AHANZ represent very large numbers of professionals, we sit alongside others who are also representing smaller allied health professions; many of whom are also self regulating bodies. Being part of this group has provided us with support while we have navigated the criteria for self regulating bodies, and provides us insight into upcoming changes to ways of working for allied health professionals.
For more information:
early education federation (eedfed)
This is a collegial group representing many sectors of the early childhood sector. Meetings are specifically coordinated with ECAC to allow more informal and in-depth discussions about issues affecting early childhood teachers and services. We also consider the impact of policy changes and identify key issues to bring forward to ECAC. This forum allows us to create a collective voice for early childhood.
For more information:
For more information:
Early childhood advisory committee (ecac)
This is a MoE directed group that actively engages various members across the early learning sector to provide opportunities to engage with government to achieve common goals. Meetings are held in Wellington 4 times a year to facilitate opportunities to feedback, discuss and review proposed changes and participate in strategic planning; opportunities to hear from, and speak directly with, the Minister of Education or their representatives are often created. Hospital based services make up only a small proportion of the early childhood sector so having direct ongoing input and sharing the insights gained in this forum are invaluable. Both the MoE and ERO have been very responsive and supportive of the unique challenges, environments and experiences that we work with to ensure the ongoing learning of those children in our hospital environments.
For more information:
For more information: