Gecco FAQ
It is recommended you use Chrome to access Gecco (but mostly not Internet Explorer if you can help it).
These questions are a work in progress. If you still have questions please Contact us
These questions are a work in progress. If you still have questions please Contact us
What is Gecco?
Gecco is a Membership platform that will allow us to connect to our Members directly. Think of Gecco as an extension off of our main website that deals with the Membership side of things.
Why do we need to use a separate website for our membership?
Gecco will allow you to manage your Membership and Registration all in one spot, as well as sign up for things like Conference. Through Gecco you will be able to track payments, prepare your own invoices and even list dietary requirements. In the future through Gecco we will be able to offer Professional Development, opportunities for various Working Groups to come together, and more. Once you sign into Gecco it is easy to get back to the main website. Just click the link to the HPSAANZ website at the top of the page.
How do I sign into Gecco?
Download PDF
You sign into Gecco by going to the link and entering your email and password. Forgotten your password? Just click the link and follow the instructions in your email to reset a new one.
You sign into Gecco by going to the link and entering your email and password. Forgotten your password? Just click the link and follow the instructions in your email to reset a new one.
What info does Gecco need?
Gecco already has some information about you transferred over from our previous Membership program if you had registered with us. We ask that you add a secondary email as essential contact, and then any other information that might be helpful for us to have.
I’ve signed in now what?
Once you have signed in have a look around. We will be introducing more areas of the Gecco site to you as time goes on. You will receive an invoice when your Membership is due at the end of the year.
How do I apply for Membership?
If you are renewing Membership from the previous year you will receive an invoice for payment. Simply pay this and your Membership will clock over to the next year. To sign up for a new Membership Fill out an Application from the menu on the left hand side.
How do I apply for Registration?
The Registration process is the same as before with the same requirements for submission. To fill out a Registration application, go to the Applications section in the menu on the left hand side and follow the instructions.
How will we sign up for Conference?
Conference will be available through Gecco on the left hand menu under Events shortly. This will be where you will be able to find out all the helpful information including location, prices, key note speakers and more.