Professional Organisation Links
Allied Health Aotearoa New Zealand (AHANZ) Is a collegial group made up of 27 national associations representing more than 30, 000 allied health practitioners. Being part of this group has provided us with support while we have navigated the criteria for self regulating bodies, and provides us insight into upcoming changes to ways of working for allied health professionals. |
Early Childhood Advisory Council (ECAC) ECAC is an important part of the Ministry’s relationship with the sector. The purpose of ECAC is to foster a relationship between Government and the early learning sector to achieve common goals. |
Early Education Federation (EEDFED). This is collegial group represents many sectors of the early childhood sector. Meetings are specifically coordinated with ECAC to allow more informal and in-depth discussions about issues affecting early childhood teachers and services. This forum allows us to create a collective voice for early childhood. |