Kia Ora, Welcome to HPS Registration |
Hospital Play Specialist Registration:
- fosters consistency in standards of practice and ethical conduct
- enhances the status and credibility of the profession
- validates professional knowledge and provides a sense of professional pride and achievement
- provides assurance for the public that hospital play specialists have achieved professional competency requirements for their profession, and are maintaining their professional development
The design elements within the Registration tab have drawn on the unique art form within the kowhaiwhai of the Hospital Play Specialist Association which represents the profession within the bi-cultural context in Aotearoa/New Zealand. The centre triangular points of the kowhaiwhai represent the tamaiti/child, rangitahi/young person, their whānau /family and the health care team all working collaboratively to meet shared goals.The koru design moving forward and back are showing the importance of looking at the tamaiti /child, rangitahi/young person holistically acknowledging the past and present.
The harakeke (flax) represents the whānau /family in Māori thought. The riti (shoot) is the child, protected by the awhi rito (family). The outside leaves represent the tupuna (grandparents and ancestors). Patient and family centred care are key elements within Child Health care delivery recognising that the family are the constant in the life of a child while healthcare services and the people providing this may change.
The kete (basket) woven from flax represents the knowledge that is within the hospital play specialist profession.
The harakeke (flax) represents the whānau /family in Māori thought. The riti (shoot) is the child, protected by the awhi rito (family). The outside leaves represent the tupuna (grandparents and ancestors). Patient and family centred care are key elements within Child Health care delivery recognising that the family are the constant in the life of a child while healthcare services and the people providing this may change.
The kete (basket) woven from flax represents the knowledge that is within the hospital play specialist profession.